The Animals 1964 New York Tour video

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The Animals 1964 New York Tour video

Post by gvickery » Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:50 pm

There is a film or TV programme of the 60's bands so called 'British Invasion' of America that includes footage of a promotional film dating from November 1964 of 'The Animals' being driven in a motorcade of open top Sunbeam Tigers from Kennedy Airport in to Manhattan. The clip shows the Tigers crossing the Hudson and the band members are clearly seen sitting on the soft top bins along with several models!

I think there are 3 Tigers in the motorcade. Somebody at Rootes Inc must of thought of the stunt ....The Animals + Tigers but does someone have that clip and is willing to get it onto a DVD or make an mp3 file of it?? The duration of the clip is approx 30 secs.

Please drop me a note if if you have this gem.

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The Animals 1964 New York Tour video

Post by gvickery » Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:47 pm

Happy to report that STOC member Martin Stowe tracked down the piece of film I was looking for and if interested it can be viewed here. The 'Tiger' bit is after 2 minutes 45 secs.

The next question for those with sharp eyes is - are all the cars Tigers?

STOC Editor

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